Friday, July 31, 2009

Monthly Wrap-Up

I'm feeling pretty happy today. Last night I went to the track and ran 8 x 400's with sit-ups, push-ups, lunges, squats and bridges between each lap. I did 80 push-ups...boy push-ups too...and my arms aren't screaming. Or let me say they aren't screaming yet...DOMS may still hit. My hip is also feeling ok, probably since I took a prescription anti-inflammatory last night right after the workout.
Tomorrow I'm going to run 6 miles so today is a rest day. I'm becoming hopeful that I'll be able to start a marathon schedule in 3 weeks. There is an 18 mile run in New Jersey in October that I would like to sign up for and need to make sure that I can be at 18 miles for the day. Just think....automatic PR since I have never raced an 18 miler yet.

Once again seeing the numbers in a monthly total is impressive to me. I have figured I wasn't running much but considering I only ran 16 miles and biked 69.7 miles in June, running 41 and biking 75 in July is a substantial increase. I swam less in July and probably won't get much in for swimming during August since the pool is closed now in the afternoons during the week.

Monthly Totals

1 comment:

Lesley Looper said...

Impressive totals, Christina! I'm glad your hip is feeling better. Have a good run tomorrow!