Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Patient Patient

Ok, I'm NOT a very patient patient. I want to be running. I want to be training. I have been good though and stayed on the crutches for 3 days. It doesn't hurt to put weight on it (good sign) and its ok to walk on (also good sign). It is still pretty swollen and the color of purple is the new flesh color.
I know I can't run the 18 miler LBI this weekend but it was only an interim race. I was talking to John and maybe I'll run the half at Tucson and run the full at PF Changs in January. There are options. There is also the possibility that I can still run Tucson if I'm a patient patient and don't come back too soon and heal quickly. But as I said, I'm not a patient patient and this is really, really hard.


Lesley Looper said...

Man, I know it's hard! I'm glad to hear you're already talking through different scenarios. Get well soon!

Sarah Heinle said...

I also like that you are seeing different options. Don't jump the gun though. Take care of your self and heal up, it will pay off in the end. Have a good time this weekend.