Friday, October 16, 2009

RAK #1

While waiting in the Jersey airport, I browsed in a bookstore and came across a book 29 Gifts by Cami Walker.  The author was diagnosed with MS and shifted her focus from her problems and gave gifts to others.  For 29 days she gave away 29 gifts and journaled about it.  The gift was different each day and in different forms.  Although I didn't buy the book, the topic, the idea of giving to others was something I want to do.  I knew I couldn't commit to doing something everyday for 29 days and had to plan something that would allow me to succeed.

I've been working on decluttering and wanting to simplify my life.  In my house I came across a tealight candle holder with Embrace Life etched in the glass.  It wasn't something that provided me value and I wanted to get rid of it.  One problem I have on getting rid of stuff is the guilt of getting rid of something that is perfectly good.  If I could give it to someone that would enjoy it, even for a minute of knowing they received a gift, that would make me happy.  I decided I would give the candle holder to a lady in the office as a RAK- a random act of kindness.  I now have a plan where I can succeed in giving and focus on others instead of my own problems.

Its easy to give gifts to people you like.  This particular lady I have been butting up against lately.  She is a wonderful person, works hard and makes a lot of good changes but I've been struggling with working with her.  It took me a couple tries to drop off the item at her desk when she wasn't there.  All the note said was 

You've Received a RAK

Pay it Forward


Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

Sooo cool!! GREat idea..

Hey who won the book?

joyRuN said...

Sounds like a wonderful thing to do - in the midst of our busyness, focus on giving.

I really like that!