Tick Tock. Tick Tock.
Time is slowly approaching.
One week, 2 days left. But hey, whose counting?
Due to a soccer game at the high school, my speed workout on the the track was revised to fartleks instead. Since I didn't I didn't have my Garmin I had no idea of my pace as I did 2 minutes on, 1 min jog. You know, its kind of nice not running with the Garmin. I was lost without it but it was still nice.
Our Ragnar team still needed 2 runners so while out running, when a runner crossed my path I had to ask him if he was running. Yes, crazy lady on the loose chasing other runners. What a better way to find a runner while out running? It turned out that Coach Dean had already filled the positions and we didn't need the runner after all. The nice thing about Ragnar is that it has helped distract me from the upcoming marathon.
My weight is fluctuating and I'm probably eating too much during the taper. At least I'm not feeling like I'm ALWAYS hungry like a couple weeks ago. Did you know they say 1lb a minute for a marathon? Lose 5 lbs and gain 5 minutes. There may be some truth to that but your endurance and fitness play a bigger part. What is your opinion of the 1 min per lb in the marathon/30 seconds in a half?
Hi Christina,
It is nice to forget about the garmin sometimes. That way you can just enjoy running without checking it and stressing over stuff. I hope that you have an awesome weekend Christina!!
I would love it if that was true about the weight loss. I have lost 17 pounds since my last half marathon and I am looking for a PR with the next one :-)
I am soooo super excited for you!!!! One more week. It's like pins and needles for me.
There may be something to the whole race weight thing in my opinion. I'm down about 14 lbs from a year ago and I definitely notice that it's a bit easier to run the speeds I'm running now. But, I'm also much more fit than I was then also. You know the story. I think I need more than one year to judge if there is any truth to it.
I'm a firm believer in the lb vs minutes gained theory. I’ve been there myself and can testify how loosing weight brought down my times. I see this as running with less weight = faster times with the same effort.
The pounds/minutes may be true, but I have gotten more out of training!
I'd really like to believe that but I agree that training is probably the best indicator for improving your time. It makes sense though that you would be faster if you're hauling less weight.
5 lbs for 5 minutes? I need 10 minutes. you think 10 lbs will do it? I have no problem burning the calories, it's too much of replacing them!
Wow! One week! Good luck with taper!
I am actually working on loosing the weight right now, which as you know is hard to do during marathon training. But I want to shave about five mins off my time so I am shooting for closer to 7-10 to be safe. I'll let you know :) But in theory it makes sense - you have less weight to carry, right?
Happy Friday!
You're going to rock your marathon! Tapering is really tough on all accounts. I have read a ton of articles about the debate over pounds and speed; I'm just not sure what I think. I know that dropping a few extra pounds certainly couldn't hurt, but I think that a good, solid training plan is ultimately going to be the key to success.
I was taught in my coaching class that you lose approx 8 minutes for each 10 lbs lost in a marathon. Of course, this number varies greatly depending on course and weather training....but that's a rule of thumb I was given. Carb deplete a bit here and then carb up the last 3-4 days before race day - you'll feel and run great :). Happy Weekend!
I've always wondered about the pound per minute thing. Unfortunately, I have not been able to lose weight to test it. Ha ha.
Isn't it crazy what training does to your appetite? Man, it makes me crazy!
Hahahaha I was thinking the same thing when I first watched it. I thought the weights were going to fall on him and watched it half flinching until the dog came on
I have been down several pounds running a marathon without seeing a difference. I think it has to be combined with many other factors. But this last marathon my weight was up some and I did feel that made a difference although again amongst other factors.
i think the weight loss/pr is partly due to the fact that you are probably in better shape. obviously to an extent - the less you weigh the faster you can run b/c the less you have to haul. of course if you go a little too extreme with the weight loss then you don't have the energy and strength to run as hard. i definitely believe in it, though i don't know about any exact mins/secs per pound. i got down to 134 (from mid150s) and pr'd by ~6 minutes in the half (ran a 1:34), so that's why i believe it :)
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